Positivity is a choice.  It is more than just putting on a fake smile. It is making an intentional effort despite the circumstances to be positive.

This morning was a horrible morning. I couldn’t sleep last night, I woke up late, I had a headache, my hair refused to behave, we were caught in a torrential downpour, my clothes were soaked, my son was late for school, I was late for work, there was ridiculous traffic on the highway… by the time I got to work I wanted to call in and go back home.

But instead of having a meltdown I put out a request. I posted a fb status saying that I was having a rough morning and asked everyone to comment with cute or funny pictures, jokes, positive messages, or encouraging words. Of course my friends did not disappoint and my status was quickly filled with comments. This definitely helped lighten my mood and forget about the havoc of the morning.

I could have easily took the misfortune of my morning and let it spoil my whole day. I could have voiced my tale of whoa and through a decent pity party. But instead I chose to shed those feelings and request the assistance of reasons to smile, to laugh and to be positive.  That level of positivity is infectious.